Generic Shark
Heterocercal tail and Diphycertal tail
Drawing by Chris Moles (
Drawing from Stafford-Deitsch
Class: Chondrichthyes
Subclass: Elasmobranch
Bottom-dwelling, characterized by diphycertal tail or deep
water, characterized by heterocercal tail
0.15 m to 14m long
Live in waters up to 2 km deep.
The average length for a modern shark is 1.5 m
Arose some 400 million years ago
Sharks likely evolved from early Placoderms
which lost the ability to produce proper bone
“Simplified” skeleton was originally thought to be a more
primitive trait but is now considered to be an advanced alternative to
the less flexible skeleton made of bone
Sharks are covered with tiny scales called denticles
which are shed and replaced as the shark ages
The males have sexual organs called claspers